Friday 19 September 2014

Siebel - Assignment Manager - SADMIN - Default Organization

Hi All,

We all have faced the issue with Assignment Manager, that if no rule is satisfied then it will assign SADMIN in Positions and Default Organization in Organization.

If this is causing issues in your project, then the following solution avoids such problem.

Configure the Dynamic Candidate for Account for existing Organizations and existing positions.

Below screenshot show the same. (for both position & Organizations).
Click the image to enlarge

Then create a Assignment Rule as below 

  • no criteria at all 
  • select the value "Account Organization" in the  Organization Candidates Source drop down.
  • Select the value "Account Positions" in the Person Candidates Source drop down.

This rule always be satisfied and also keep the existing Organizations & Positions

This way SADMIN / Default Organizations never be assigned.

Enjoy !!!!

Monday 18 August 2014

Siebel - Custom Profile Attribute

Hi All,

There will be requirements for which you may need custom Profile Attributes. This post will give you idea on how to create Custom Profile Attribute.

Profile Attributes will be coming from BC : Personalization Profile.

Make the Proper Joins on this BC to derive the value as needed.

Name of the field will be Profile Attribute Name.

For ex : Personal Country.

Make the Join to S_ADDR_PER on ROW_ID is Primary Personal Address Id field.

Create a New field : Personal Country -- S_ADDR_PER --> COUNTRY (Join created above step).

You can use this attribute as GetProfileAttribute('Me.Personal Country') where ever needed.

Enjoy !!!!